So let's get this final part of the "brief history of my life" party started.
The end of high school, especially the last few months, were by far, the best moments of high school. Words literally can not describe how much better high school got towards the end. People stopped giving a shit about clicks, and it turned into this whole "we're all leaving" sort of thing, and nobody - for the most part - carried any grudges any more. But then you know, the real grudges started with the people that actually can't get over high school. You know the people on Facebook that always complain about the drama in their life that they always seem to create for themselves. They're usually also the one's who complain about people complaining.
There isn't much I can say about the end of my senior year really, that isn't too bland, and now that I am a senior in college about to enter his final semester...
Like seriously, I'm super lazy. Do you want to know what I've been doing all break so far? Well I'm going to tell you anyways, I've watched nearly forty movies, and two whole episodes of the wire, as well as staying on top of the other shows I watch. Thankfully my mom doesn't really care about Christmas decorations - and neither do I, so that all worked out and I haven't had do decorate at all, and that makes me happy.
And other than that, my time has been spent Skypeing (Skyping?) with my girlfriend because she's like a six hour drive away. I feel the need to segue to just talking about college so far, then you know, returning to the sappy I have a wonderful girlfriend stuff.
Okay, not completely different, this was more just for those nice segue's...
So, my college orientation thing didn't go all too well, I got sick and had to go home. But then, the first day of Freshman year, I got to meet Luke, Matt, and... Josh. Remember when I was talking about Jake, and how annoying and stupid he was? Josh was Jake times ten. I have stories, but honestly if I start, this blog will take hours to read, and nobody wants that. So I'll just stick to one story. *clears throat*
I was on my way back from class, and about to enter my room when I'm hearing a sort of squeal or screech, confused I slowly open the door, not prepared at all for the horrors I was about to witness. There in the common room, is Josh, in all of his glory, flapping his arms and squawking as if he were a pterodactyl with Luke sitting near him watching. So I take half a step into the room, witness this, he stops, Luke looks at me and sees the "I'm confused as fuck" look on my face, and commences dying of laughter as I just shake my head and leave the room. I needed to prepare myself before going back in there, I was so lost, I had no idea what was going on, and I didn't really want to know, I'm fairly certain it was Josh just doing his best aerial prehistoric dinosaur impression, I mean, this wasn't the last time he did the squawk, nor the arm flapping. But in all seriousness, talking to Josh makes you feel like this:
Freshman year ended with a prank war between Luke and Matt. Which included duct-taping chairs to beds, candy being littered across the room, cereal in pillows, and the language and password change on Luke's iPod that he didn't notice until he was in flight back home. The best prank though was done on Josh, just hours before I myself was leaving. Luke was already gone, and Josh was leaving, and Matt had gotten a few slices of pizza from trax, it's "fast food" that isn't so fast, and a bit healthier for you, and decided that while Josh was downstairs loading up his car, he would throw a slice of pizza into one of his bins, which I believe contained his bed sheets. I could be wrong. Essentially though, that was my last day of freshman year.
And then sophomore year came along, and I roomed this time with Brad, Luke was in Gordon by his lonesome, he went to London during the second semester though, so he can't really complain, and Matt was rooming with Chuck, Brad's freshman year roommate. Brad and I were living in the high rises, specifically Briggs, they're ten story buildings containing four rooms of six people on each floor. However for the first semester we only really had five people, as one moved out on like day one. and then in the second semester it was really just Brad and I for the weekend, there was a third who came in and lived with us Monday through Thursday nights, but then went home every weekend. Forgive me for not knowing their names, we weren't the most social bunch. Nothing really happened that year, in college, but outside I did both gain and lose my first girl friend, who then took me back for like two months during my Junior year.
Random Gif:
Junior year now rear's it's ugly head. If I had to pick a year of college I hated the most, it's my junior year. Aside from like three classes. Most of it was just, straight boring, and dealing with more stupid people. I've told my Jake stories, and I don't want to tell any more Jake stories, because I'm just going to get mad and I don't want to get mad. So moving on. The second half of the year I got back together with my ex. And then my last night in Brockport for that year, I was ready to go home, see her, and do things, like any good boyfriend would, but there I was working on my Screenplay, minding my own business when i get a text message from her, breaking up with me.
I enjoy these things people make, I mean, who saves their girlfriend in their phone as just "GF<3"?
Of course it wasn't as comical as that. And I have since managed to forgive her for the way she did it, and while we haven't really hung out since and I did have feelings for her, the way she handled that breakup, not even calling me, it just broke me - I mean she called me to confirm my friends death during that summer, but didn't call to say, "hey, I'd like to see other people, no hard feelings bro. 'Kay thanks, bye." So Junior year, saw the return of Luke as my roommate, and Brad remained a suite mate now rooming with Jake. And Senior year we moved into the Town Homes, which is still four people living together but now in four separate single rooms.
Senior year, has not only been the best year of college so far, but it has officially capped off the greatest year of my life. Living in the Town Homes is fantastic. And after Jake dropped out, it got better, but now that Chuck is moving in, I'm not sure how good it can stay. The best thing about the day Jake moved out is that it was the day I met my girlfriend (who just may be the love of my life), Katie, that very same day. Funny enough we met going to see Twelve Years a Slave, you know, this movie:
Imagine that conversation with your child...
Kid: "Daddy, how did you meet mommy?"
Dad: "Well son, we met at a movie."
Kid: "What movie daddy?"
Dad: "well, er, um.... I'll tell you when you're older"
Much older kid: "So dad, what was that movie you met mom at?"
Dad: "12 Years a Slave son."
Much older kid: "That movie about the horrors of slavery that is incredibly hard to watch?"
Dad: "Yes, that movie."
Much older kid: "That's where you -"
Dad: "Yes! That's where I met your mother, I know it's strange, you don't have to tell me."
Much older kid: "that's -"
Dad: "I said shut up about it!"
And I guess that brings me to now, I have this whole new outlook on life, and I have to figure out how to write this blog with this new outlook. Because it all started as a form of catharsis, but I don't need it any more, and that's why it's been so long. I don't have the need to vent out my emotions. If anything this will become something of a story telling and movie/television discussion blog. My cathartic need for this blog is effectively over.
Christmas is tomorrow, I get to see (most of) my family, and then on the eleventh when we do our second Christmas, for those who couldn't make the first one, I get to bring Katie and she gets to meet my lovably dysfunctional family.
Without further a due. This post is over, I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I didn't. Here, have a video, or two: