Thursday, November 21, 2013

Return from Impromptu Hiatus

and now I'm back, from outer space, I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face...

I feel the need to explain away my temporary hiatus. Simply put, I met a girl, and I have been spending a lot of time with her, basically all of my time. She is away right now, and my classes are cancelled - due to professor illness (get well soon Carter, you're the literal man), so I have even more free time on my hands today. Also, I am totally cuddling the pillow she left in my room this morning, it smells like her, and it's lavender and fuzzy and soft and I love it.

So here I am, sitting on my bed, unable to break this smile, cuddling a fuzzy lavender pillow. I would post a picture, but the levels of judgement may increase with visual proof. To explain this drastic change in my opinions on the world, I will need Ron Swanson's help.

Before I met her, I was this Ron Swanson:

And now that I am with her, and growing evermore fond, I am this Ron Swanson:

I haven't been this happy in years, perhaps in my entire life. This sense of euphoria in inexplicable, incomprehensible, I just don't understand it. All I know is:

I am writing way too little, and posting way too many GIF's. But seriously guys, this girls is just amazing, absolutely, irrevocably amazing. She loves Doctor Who you guys.

She has described her Who addiction as a "serious issue," and that's just my kind of woman. Of course I watch anything and damn near everything. Hell, I'm watching American Horror Story: Coven right now. That's the thing though, now that I am spending so much time with her, I have precious little time to get through my shows, so my Television addiction has become a slight problem - I was only able to watch three shows last night, of the twelve I normally do. I've already cut a few shows from my list, the ancillary one's I do not care about. As in The Voice, Bar/Tattoo Rescue, The Goldbergs, Mom, Dads, The Millers, the Tomorrow People, and now Super Fun Night. But in all honesty, I don't mind at all, it's time better spent, and I'm thankful for it. However, she has stalled my progress with Arrow, and it only upsets me because Arrow is such a goddamn good show, but I'll finish it Thanksgiving break next week, so no worries there. I don't regret a single second of  all the time spent with her.

Shit. Is this coming off too strong?

my apologies people, but I've never really been in a place like this, where all I want to do is rant and rave about how goddamn happy I am. So this Friday, the midnight movies are The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The Delivery Man, and Thor: The Dark World. My choice would have to be Catching Fire, primarily for my love of Jennifer Lawrence, but also because Jennifer Lawrence. J-Law (she lets me call her J-Law, we go way back), even knows how I feel about this girl I've been talking about, in both the innocent school yard crush words, and more... not so innocent words.

So, anyways, I have to ask her if she is willing to go see it or not, which also means we have to watch the first Hunger Games, that is, if she wants to watch it that is. Otherwise, I'll just be going with my suite mate as per usual.

In other news. The fifteenth of November happened, which means, PlayStation 4.

The world's quickest un-boxing.

 The world's quickest set up.

There you have it, my PS4 in all of it's glory. The only real downside to it at the moment is that it will not play dvd's or blu-ray movies. Games run fine, and so does Netflix. But even after the past two software I still cannot play dvd's - I'm hoping it's not a hardware issue, but if the problem persists, I'll trade it back in, they are apparently really fast with returns, but I'll probably wait until I'm done with finals week to send it back, just to give it some time, in case it is just a software issue.

That is all. Blog over, get the hell out. But watch this video first:

Monday, November 11, 2013

12 Years in the Dark World : the GIFtastic Blog Post

See what I did there? With the title? I combined 12 Years a Slave with Thor: The Dark World. I bet you wish you were that clever.

Truth be told I recently watched this episode and then went right out to find this gif. Then I found this:
and then I said "this is totally going in my blog!"

So, this past weekend I saw both of these fantastic movies. Fantastic in their own merits, one was your typical Hollywood blockbuster, and as an avid comic book viewer/reader/scholar I just love these movies for all the right (wrong?) reasons. But let's discuss Thor first, and then tackle the big bad 12 Years.

Oh yeah, Spoilers.

First things first, Thor: The Dark World is the better film of the two Thor movies so far. For quite a few reasons too. Now to list them, for your viewing pleasure:

  1. An increased strong female presence 
  2. Not too much Loki, with the set up to a more Loki centered Thor movie, or even Loki spinoff
  3. A good balance of action and comedy
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy teaser
And now to tackle each of these points, one by one. First, the increased strong female presence. Natalie Portman's Jane Foster, is a integral part of the narrative, and she isn't just the damsel in distress archetype or the throwaway love interest she came off as in the first film. She, like Pepper did in Iron Man 3 helps to vanquish the "big bad" in the films climax, only not actually defeating him like Pepper did. It, in my opinion, is the single strongest role a female has had in the marvel movies, let alone a comic book movie, arguably second to Black Widow. She even slaps Loki, the villain of both Thor and The Avengers.

Help, it's mesmerizing. I think this proves that slap GIF's are the best GIF's.

and now... a few more slap GIF's to prove this irrefutable fact:

Kat Denning's character from the first film also has a larger presence, though not as huge. Lady Sif (and the Warrior's Three) and Frigga even take side seats despite being the bad-asses they are, this movie is more a Jane/Thor/Loki triple feature, and I loved every minute of it. If this is any indication of the way women character are going to be treated in these movies, the future looks bright. Now if only they'll give me a female super hero movie, I fear we may never get a solo Wonder Woman picture, at least there's that Netflix series on Jessica Jones coming soon (2015 soon).

Lookie, I has a source.

Now for point two, there wasn't too much Loki in it. He wasn't overused or over done. While this may upset the fan girls/boys I have no complaints. Hell, the conclusion of the film hints that Loki may get the focus of Thor 3 or even his own Spinoff movie. A boy can dream right? The good balance of action and comedy point sort of speaks for itself, as does point four. The first post credits scene is a tease for the upcoming 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy film which is going to be amazing guys, for serious.

The final fight sequence in particular constantly flips from comedy to action, seamlessly merging the two into one sequence without one overpowering the other. Thor's Hammer, Mjölnir, is thrown at some point in the conflict and several minutes of the ensuing fight is spent thinking with portals.

Thor goes through the portal narrowly missing the hammer, transporting himself across the universe, the hammer misses the portal and chases after him through space. Thor goes through another portal back to Earth and the hammer turns back around to get to Thor. It's the perfection of comedic timing.

As far as the stuff I didn't like, and the reasons why I'm going to deduct some points. are the points where they stray too far from their source material that the Thor movie universe is too dissimilar to the (at least current) comic universe. Frigga dies in the movie, and it is assumed that Loki even kills Odin, leaving himself in charge of Asgard. In the comics Frigga, following Odin's death, takes over rule of Asgard, and Frigga is a straight up bad-ass. But they went and killed her off, leaving little to no possibility (magic aside) of her taking over Asgard. It is because the world may never know the full extent of Frigga's bad-assery that I am deducting a few points.

Thor: The Dark World gets an 8.5/10

No list for discussion on this film, not because it was a bad film, no, in no possible ways was this a bad film. It was most certainly "The best" film I've seen this year. Visually this film has no equal yet, this year. This blows Prisoners out of the water, and remember how much I loved the visual aesthetics of that film. But seriously, if 12 Years a Slave were food, I wouldn't want to share it. I wouldn't want to share it so much, I'd become Joey Tribbiani.

That's how good this movie is. The shot's in it alone are masterfully crafted. As one would come to expect from Steve McQueen, whom in my opinion is one of the world's greatest living director's. So it's no real surprise that I loved this film. There's one shot in particular that alone deserves an Oscar. Just give it to someone for Pete's sake (and he returns, damn you Pete), if this gets snubbed I will lose all faith in the academy, all my faith.

The shot occurs when the films protagonist is left hanging in a tree, with his feet touching the ground. The camera remains in one place, as he hangs there, slowly shuffling his feet and spinning ever so slightly around. All this while time elapses in the background as if nothing happens. It's so physically painful to watch.

I seriously had trouble getting comfortable watching the movie. Not because the film made me necessarily uncomfortable, but because it basically rendered me unable to move. Which is apparently a thing. It's not a bad thing mind you, it's actually a good thing if I say so myself. Really it is, I just had to wait for scene transitions in order to adjust my position because I was so damn engrossed in the text of the film, which hasn't happened in quite a long time (the last time being with Fincher's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo a few years back - which reminds me, Fincher, get on board with The Girl Who Played with Fire already). I still prefer the lighting of Prisoners to the lighting of 12 Years. Prisoners visually, in a lighting manner, is superior to 12 Years, that is likely because 12 Years goes for a "natural lighting" aesthetic to add more grit to it. Prisoner's is clearly key lit, in most of it's shots, a few remain without major lighting whatsoever, but that is all for the effect of that shot. I still love you Roger Deakins, but Bobbitt (12 Years' cinematographer) and McQueen are absolute master's of the craft.

There isn't much more I can say on 12 Years because I really don't want to spoil the plot - unlike Thor which I don't really care about spoiling. The performances are excellent across the board, even the minor roles are fantastic. Go see it. Now. Go. Like seriously. Go.

12 Years a Slave gets a 10/10

So, fun story. Friday night, technically Saturday morning, after watching Thor, my suite mate - the one who plays all the call of duty, is incredibly socially awkward, and is annoying, posted the following status on his Facebook: "It's sad to say this is my last night here at the college. And I still can't bring myself to terms to tell my roommates the news..." In confusion I went to tell my other suite mate about said Facebook status, I then went to go to bed. Roughly twenty minutes later, the two of them were talking in his room (the annoying one's room), which is next to mine, and I went out to see. He apparently wasn't doing too hot, no real surprise considering all he did was play video games, but seriously, he wasted nearly two and a half years of his life - he was a Junior. How the fuck can you be so irresponsible. Honestly.

College, as far as I have experienced, is not tough. It's not challenging. Especially when you don't do the party scene like I do. He even did less than I do outside of the dorm. I mean it's general knowledge...

... that you shouldn't play video games for ten hours a day every day, adding extra hours on weekends. It's just not good for you. Sure it's fun. But it's not fucking worth it. Especially when you've just managed to accrue quite the debt, that will most likely befall on your parents, because you lack the education to get a more respectable job, and you lack the social skills to get a "lesser" job. But come on man, it's just so damn stupid, I cannot believe your mom is okay with this, and I hope you do read this because someone needs to tell you that you are making a huge fucking mistake. For all the times I was picking on you, I apologize, but know man, that you needed help and that's sort of a form of correctional education. You pick on someone for doing something until they stop doing that thing. Yes, it's bullying, yes it was done to me, yes I stopped. But man, you can't even order your own food. You can't call a goddamn pizza place, say I want a large cheese pizza, and deliver it to Town Home X, thanks, bye, click. How in the world are you going to last in the real world on your own. I'm assuming you aren't. I'm assuming that you will be living with your parents for the foreseeable future. Which is fine, as I will be doing that until I get a car, then I'm moving as soon as possible, but I'm also assuming this will be rent free. Which isn't fine.

In ways I'm glad he's gone. In others, I'm not. He still needs help with his social skills, and it's clear by the way he is, he isn't getting that from his home. But I figured that I would wake up at noon with time to say good bye to him, considering he was still awake at three in the fucking morning. But no, noon comes along and he's gone. He did leave me a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips. Which were delicious. Thank you. But still you're stupid.

I have no choice to digress or this is going to last forever. You want to ruin your life, because you don't want to do the college thing anymore, fine by me, I'm not going to stop you. I just hope you manage to develop proper social skills and do well out there. Good luck, you're going to fucking need it.

I apologize to my other two suite mates, you are not idiots. This is directed to the drop-out and the people enabling him.

Hell, I am a firm believer of live and let live, but I'll be damned before I let this slide without my opinions being put out there somewhere so that there's a chance for the immediate party to see what I have to say. But this is so fucking stupid, I can't bring myself to get over it. It's like he came here for two and a half goddamn years, just to sit on his fucking ass and do nothing, all while thinking he was just going to slide right on through college. How fucking stupid can you be. GOD. I quit. I give up. I give the fuck up.

I apologize to the haters of the word "fuck." Please understand that it is a brilliant word that can be used in so many ways. It is perhaps the most versatile word in the human language. As someone who does not subscribe you a dogma, I don't believe in the concept of "Curse Words" or "Dirty Words." 

I'm just going to end this here, because honestly if I continue, it's just going to go right on back to my rant about how stupid he was for leaving. So here's a video on the aforementioned "F" word. If it offends you, you may not want to watch it. If it doesn't, then play the fucking video for fuck's sake, what the fuck are you waiting for.

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Brief History of my Life - Part 2

Part two of "A Brief History of my Life" is finally here, and part three is only a month away. The sad thing is, I don't know where exactly to start. I guess I'll go right to the things I missed in part one.

The things I missed:

  1. My Brother, Brandon.
  2. My atheistic conversion.
  3. My World of Warcraft career beginning.
Starting with point one. My brother died before I was born, just a few days after his birth. It's led to me questioning everything about life in general and what we are doing in this planet. This whole event that I wasn't even around for, but am reminded of every year, has led to parts of my experiences with depression, and caused me to question my convictions and the meaning of life.

The answer to life, the universe, and everything.

What do I actually think the meaning of life is? To put it bluntly, to exist. To fluff it up, to better your "life" and the lives of those you care about. I feel as though this is everyone's meaning to life though, it's the general answer that everyone gives, or that most people agree upon.

I'm not entirely sure how I missed my atheistic conversion in part one. Probably because it was in a grey area of age where I'm not entirely sure exactly how old I was when I stopped believing completely. I've narrowed it down to somewhere between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. I still remember the day I told my mom that I don't believe in God. I can't remember what day it was, but we were just at my Grandparents and we were driving home. She made some comment about God's involvement in something, if I recall correctly, my cousin was in a car accident, the vehicle was totaled and he walked away with a few scrapes and bruises. I just responded, "God had nothing to do with his being alright." I got the typical "How could you say something like that." Of course, me, being the recently converted atheist with an agenda told her there is no God, and the only reason my cousin wasn't injured worse that crash is because the car fell in just the right way as to not injure him, any different and things would have been worse. I couldn't have let bygone's be bygones. She looked at me, with what appeared to be a mixture of rage and confusion, I wasn't sure what to think - I didn't know how badly atheists were vilified at the time, hell, I didn't even know the term atheist, I just know I wasn't a believer anymore.

Lastly, the summer between middle school and high school I picked up and started playing World of Warcraft, which would practically control my life for nearly seven year. Do I regret it? No, not for a second. I met some great people in the game, well I "met" some great people, and some of them still bother to keep in relative touch. I stopped playing the game last year, a month or so after the release of Mists of Pandaria and reaching level 90 on one of my characters and realizing I wasn't having any fun with the game at all. I mean, to be fair I had spent seven years playing the same damn game practically every day of my life, with a few month breaks here and there.

I miss those days, the Wrath of the Lich King days, where I joined this guild, only for the guild to splinter off and become a founding member of the guild I would stick with for the majority of my remaining time in the game. That's where I met my favorite people, but now that I don't play WoW I still have the need to role play, so eventually I'll be starting a D&D campaign. Likely using

But now on wards to High School. The greatest four years of my life. Or so they were said to be. When High School rolled around, I had already fallen away from half of my middle school friends, and was no longer hanging out with them in my free time any more. I don't regret that either, there isn't much that I regret, there are things I regret, but more on that shortly. 

I do wish that I made stronger bonds with some of my actual friends though. there's only three people from my High School that I am actually able to communicate with on a regular basis without feeling weird about it. I kind of wish there were more people I were able to talk with, just so it wouldn't feel weird to talk with them. That's one of the few areas that college has really helped with, my ability to transcend awkwardness and talk to people. But when there's only five or six people that I can actually call my friends in this world with straight-up confidence I feel as though somehow I'm lacking, despite the fact that I feel that that is how it is with most people. We tend to keep to are small circles and don't really break out into other circles unless jettisoned into them like in situations such as college.

By the way, if any High Schoolers are reading this, and you go anywhere other than a community college, High School does not prepare you for college - and College I hear does not prepare you for any forms of higher education, most even say it doesn't prepare you for the "real world."

I've always been an English nerd. I've loved writing reading, understanding the English language (though admittedly my grasp on sentence structure is no where near perfect - and I'm not super good with word play). Just the English language though, nothing else. The language just fascinates me, how it's so damn complicated, it's the hardest language to learn, and yet we insist we are superior because we speak English. As if speaking anything other than English made someone somehow inferior. I'm a weak individual, I can't win most physical fights, that's not opinion, it's fact - but I speak English, so by the logic of English superiority, some big Mexican guy stands no chance against my scrawny figure because I have the power of English.

My tangents are fun for me to write, but I have no idea how fun they are to actually read. But anyways, I've always preferred my English classes to my other classes. I've always had a mathematical mind and did well in math as well, but English classes were my home away from home. Then I went to college and discovered Film Studies, but that's part three stuff, lets not get carried away. My favorite teacher of all time was, you guessed it, an English teacher, my Junior year English teacher, whom I believe was let go in my Freshman year of college, along with all the other brilliant people teaching at the school. She wrote one of my recommendation letters, along with the greatest math teacher in the history of math teachers. If either of you are reading this somewhere down the line, I just want to say thank you for all that you've taught me, your'e amazing people.

Is this just a personal turn-on?

I started writing stories when I was a little kid, however I just don't have the ability to finish a single thing I start. I don't know what it is exactly. If it's some sort of inferiority complex I have, or just a serious lack of attention to what I'm writing. Perhaps once I get out there in that real world I keep bringing up I'll be able to finish something.

I guess if I had to choose one thing that I regret the most from High School it would be not spending as much time as possible with my friend who passed away this past summer.

My tribute tattoo to him.

That is the RC Cola logo yes. His initials were not RC, but he did sign my yearbook senior year, on the last day of school as "RC Cola." And that was the last time I saw him, and now three and a half years later, I'll never be able to see him again. So I've immortalized him in the way he was, the way I'll remember him, the way he'll never be forgotten. Twenty one years old. Fuck.

I guess that's where my feelings about everything comes from. You meet the people that dont deserve the things that happen to them, and still these things happen to them and there's no justfying it. One could claim it was God's test that he died, but God's test for who? Certainly not the victim.

It would seem as though the test would be for the victims loved ones, but how much sense does that actually make? Did God really decide to kill a friend of mine just to test the faith of others? What kind of justification is there for that. The "mysterious ways" argument has no real backing, Hell, I work in mysterious ways. There's no omni-benevolence in that, if anything, its malicious.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't hate God, I can't possibly hate God. I do however hate the religion, all religions, they lead people astray from the "truth" giving them a false confidence in the impossible. I get that some cope with trauma through religion, and that's all fine and dandy, but again its all false promises. People live their lives devoting them to their choice of poison. They believe things they cannot possibly know, just on the grounds that if it's true they reap the benefits. Some people even believe in fear of what may happen if they're wrong. It's heart breaking for me, and for them, how I live my life is heart breaking. At least the atheism aspect of it.

It's ironic though, because my first tattoo was a Celtic Cross and some words in Latin on my forearm.

The whole thing took roughly four hours to finish, and cost $240. I've been asked a few times if it has to do with my religious beliefs, and every time I respectfully tell them it's a heritage thing. The words aequitas and veritas mean justice and truth respectively. The words are most known for their existence in the Boondock Saints films.

One of the main things I regret about High School was my general inability to tell people, especially females, my feelings for and about them. I became somewhat of a shut in prior to High School and mostly kept to myself. There's a few girls who I'll admit I had some strong feelings for, but my insecurities kept me from asking them out, or even telling them anything emotional. 

But ultimately I regret nothing about High School. I may claim to regret things, but that isn't entirely true. The regrets, the pitfalls, everything that went down in my formative years, and everything that will happen in the coming years, has and will shape the person I am and will become.

So yes, despite my qualms with my past, it all amounts up to who and what I am, if I were to regret that, I would regret myself. I don't, and if I did I give you, faithful reader, permission to hit me square across the face. 

Blog's over homies. Watch the video, in honor of seeing Thor: The Dark World tonight, the video is "Everything Wrong with Thor." I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Remember, Remember

The fifth of November.

It's November fifth, clearly, and that means a few things. I am going to watch V for Vendetta later, It's Guy Faukes Day, and I am officially 21 and a half. That last one is totally reliant on my birthday being May fifth, but it gives me more reason to enjoy the fifth of November. Also, today saw the release of Eminem's new, and apparently last album, Marshall Mathers LP 2 (I've only gotten through half of it, but I love it), as well as the release of Call of Duty: Ghosts which I couldn't possibly care less about. I seriously have no ambition to play the game, especially after watching TB's "WTF is..." on the multiplayer aspect of the game, which, let's be honest is the only reason to play a Call of Duty game (click within the parentheses for the video).

*Here's another video, where he gives some corrections on his WTF is... video : Look Mom, I'm clickable*

I have to say that I am sympathetic to the Call of Duty player. I understand you, I used to be you, I just don't know how you still exist. Call of Duty stopped being good, or rather legitimate after Modern Warfare 2, it fell into mediocrity mid Black Ops. I don't know what it is about Infinity Ward, if it's just their ego, or laziness, or whatever, but I just don't get how this can pass as a "next-gen" game. You just have to look at Battlefield 4 (to use the war game comparison- but any next gen game will do to be completely fair, hell, even most current gen games will do) to see that this isn't acceptable. It just so happens that he also did a "WTF is..." of BF4 as well (pew pew). His BF4 video is longer than both of his Ghosts' videos, but it's worth it, at least just to see the comparison between the two games.

I've decided that there is one thing I will not allow to happen in this town home. That is the playing of any game available on a next gen console, on a current gen console. 

Because, Adventure Time.

For the Jon Stewart fans... and because he looks like he's masturbating.

Because, Alexander Skarsgård. Does there need to be another reason? Look, just accept the homoeroticism,  it isn't going anywhere.

If this happens I may be forced to take drastic measures, such as scratching CD's or taking hammers to things that hammers should not be taken to. I may not even permit Ghosts being played without serious ridicule, because if you are willing to pay sixty dollars for a game you already have, that looks worse than games that came out years ago, you deserve the ridicule.

Oh shit, Sons of Anarchy, be back in an hour or so (because let's be honest now, this is going to be a ninety minute episode). But just because I have to state it, Tonight's episode is entitled John 8:32, which for those unfamiliar with their Bible, this is the verse: "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free," it's one of the few I have memorized. Hey, I'm an atheist, you can't expect me to know the whole thing. So the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan.

I have thirty minutes to finish this post.

All I will do, for the rest of this post, is talk about Sons of Anarchy, and what an amazing episode this was. Like I assumed, this was the episode where all of the dirty deeds that have been going on, came out. A few other things came out of this episode too, from some characters who will likely only be in this episode. The bi-polar girl for example, was in my opinion the best part of the whole thing, Clay's monologue about the benevolent Pussy aside. Next weeks episode is going to be an insane fallout, and I cannot wait. This season may solidify Sons of Anarchy as a show in my top five shows of all time. here's how that list currently stands (Keep in mind, I have yet to have seen Madmen, The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Weeds, Spartacus, many other noteworthy shows, if it isn't on the list and you feel it should be, let me know in the comments and I'll tell you if I've seen it or not):

5. Archer
4. Boardwalk Empire
3. Arrested Development
2. Game of Thrones
1. Breaking Bad

Sons is currently sitting comfortably in the number 6 slot. It's just a few episodes away from taking fifth place. But come Winter Break, when I will be watching The Soprano's and The Wire, and likely, other shows as well, it may not hold. I may need to throw up a top 10 list just to keep half the shows on this list, on this list. Also, remember dicks, this is personal opinion, and I still haven't seen a lot of shows - yes, I do watch a lot of things - A LOT OF THINGS - but, they all cannot be in the top five, unless I cop out and place like six shows in a tie in each spot. That's just riddikulus.

So, this episode of Sons was the set up for the drama of the remaining four episodes of the season. It was the closing of the first story line, and the start of the second. This is how you do a proper story arc, I'm looking at you The Bridge (no, I will not let this go, they had four main story lines, in one season, four! And that's not even counting the side character stories no one gives a shit about that don't even connect to the main story). I don't think I have to explain why Sons of Anarchy is one of the greatest shows on television, and if I have to, I still won't explain it. Instead, I will say, that seasons one through five are on Netflix, and then I will tell you to figure it out for yourself.

But seriously, this was the best episode of the show, in it's six season run. The fact that there is only one season left fills me with both joy and great sadness. Nothing saddens me more, than the ending of an amazing show, especially when it's too early. The fact that Sons hasn't outstayed it's welcome and has gotten better over time leaves me with great optimism for its conclusion. If Breaking Bad can teach us anything about television, it's how to wrap up a show in a pretty little bow. The only difference here is that there's five (six if you count the "final episodes" as it's own season and not the second half of season five) seasons of Breaking Bad, and what will be seven seasons of Sons. Or to put it in episode count, Sons will end at an approximate total of 92 while Breaking Bad capped off at 62, giving Sons thirty more episodes to work with, granted it doesn't have that many loose ends to tie up.

Blog's over, finished at 11:59 boom. Still November 5. To celebrate this achievement, have a 40 minute video about Jesse Cox and his wonderfulness.

***Oh noes, the labels put me over midnight, damn you labels, you have failed me***