Thursday, October 17, 2013

Confessions of a Pokemon Addict

Truth be told, Pokemon X has kept me from returning to this blog for the past few days. It has become my figurative jam.

If you're expecting a review, congratulations, you're going to get a spoiler heavy one. Enjoy. As mentioned in my previous blog post, the game features quite the heap of changes from the previous installment in the series. The best of those changes being that you now gain experience after catching wild Pokemon. So you can catch them all and level up at the same time.

I have no choice but to tip my hat to the Pokemon Company on this decision, it's fantastic - I must have gained like, three total levels across all my party Pokemon because of this feature. So I picked Fennekin, the fire starter, and I regret nothing. Delphox is the shit. but now that I have Mewtwo, I do slightly regret it, because Mewtwo is the shit squared. I had this initial idea of doing a fire team, I was thinking of picking Charmander as my OG starter in Lumiose city, because Mega Charizard X is part dragon and therefore a bad ass. 

Mega Charizard X (left) and Mega Charizard Y (right)

The only real thing I hate about Mega Charizard X, is the blue fire coming out of his mouth. That's it, I love everything else about him. but when it came time to make the decision on which of the OG starters to pick, ultimately I went with Squirtle. I already had a fire flying type in Fletchling, and I don't use grass Pokemon, they are my least favorite type. Fairy is a close second, a lot of the designs for the fairy Pokemon suck, aside from Xerneas. So clearly since I didn't have any water Pokemon yet Squirtle was the obvious choice.

I can't say that I love Mega-Evolutions, they're nice and all, and they don't take up a turn when used, but, why weren't they just like, yeah, let's just give some Pokemon a fourth permanent evolution, it practically is, because you can use it whenever you want. I can throw my Blastoise or Mewtwo out there whenever I want, and just Mega-Evolve them right away in every battle. It's certainly not needed for every battle, and doing that in every battle would admittedly be quite the hindrance, but wouldn't it be nice if it were permanent.  Okay, so, let's play a game.

The game is than now that there are six generations of the game, and therefore six sets of starter Pokemon, you must now choose one starter from each game, and two of each type to make up your party. In case you forgot the starter's of a certain Generation, here they are in grass, water, fire order.

Gen I: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander
Gen II: Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil
Gen III: Treeko, Mudkip, Torchic
Gen IV: Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar
Gen V: Snivy, Oshowatt, Tepig
Gen VI: Chespin, Froakie, Fennekin

Now that we have those starters listed. Give me like... two minutes... to debate with myself.

Charmander, Totodile, Treeko, Turtwig, Oshowatt, Fennekin

That wasn't that hard to be honest. It started with I need one that can learn fly, and Charizard is the only starter that can learn fly. Then it was straight forward from there, Totodile is my favorite Gen II starter, and Feraligator is my favorite water starter final evolution (haven't messed with Froakie to know if he's better). Treeko is like the only good grass starter (Chespin aside, I haven't messed with him yet). Turtwig for that crazy defense stat, Oshowatt because Snivy is statistically the worst starter ever, and come on, Tepig? Really? I chose Fennekin, not because he's the only gen VI I have experience with, but because I wanted a Psychic Pokemon on my team, and he's got a good defense stat. Now all I have to do is get one of the older games, and start trading over, I can make this team by starting a new game and picking Fennekin again and going from there. It'd be interesting to see how this would play out.

I'm still upset that Froakie turns out to be a dark type and Chespin a fighting type. Allow me to explain why this doesn't make sense. Fennekin becomes fire/psychic. Chespin Grass/fighting. And Froakie Water/Dark. Anyone see the issue yet? I'm sure Pokemon fans see it. Fire is weak to water, water to grass, and grass to fire, that much is obvious. But, also, psychic is weak to dark, dark to fighting, and fighting to psychic. They could have just left them straight up solo types and the benefits would have been the same. The fire starter has no defense against the water starter, the grass has no defense over the fire, and the water has none over the grass. They could have played opposites here, and given the starters defenses over their initial weaknesses and thus making battles with your rivals in game a bit more interesting. Instead, we come to the issues that gen's one and two had the fire will always be beaten by the water, the grass by the fire, and the water by the grass.

All of that being said, I have no real issue with the game, I just would have preferred it otherwise. This is in fact my favorite Pokemon game since the original Red and Blue. They've really stepped their game up, and as a nerd, destined to live the rest of his life, lonely in a dark room watching television and playing video games. Pokemon X gets a 10/10.

Moving on to better and bigger things (non Pokemon fans let out a collective sigh or relief) so that I can feel as though this blog actually has a relevant purpose in my life.

I've recently watched that, I own it. It's fantastic, you know, if you're a fan of Joss Whedon and Shakespeare. If you're not well...

Being that Much Ado is my favorite Shakespeare play, I had somewhat high expectations from this. I can say that it didn't disappoint at all, at least not me. I'm also a huge Joss Whedon fan, and I'm pretty sure it's impossible for me to hate anything that man does, nerds unite and all. Okay, that's a lie, I do hate some things he does, like when he kills off my favorite characters and stuff, but other than that, the man does no wrong.

A bit of a side note here, I know you love it when I go on tangents, but do you ever get the urge to punch some one, as hard as you can in the face. Not just as a one time occurrence, but every goddamn day, multiple times each day? That's me right now for the past two days. My suite mates were pretty much gone over mid-semester break, so I managed to somehow forget just how annoying the one we call Jake can be. Jake isn't his real name, we initially called him that because he never shaves, and when he did, we actually thought he was a different person. The name kind of stuck. He has also, apparently been playing video games for about ten hours a day with a person whose name he did not know, or at least remember - who he only refers to as "Batman," the person's gamer tag. What. The. Actual. Fuck. It's like he's never heard of stranger danger before. 

On second thought that doesn't surprise me, he always seems to find new ways to amaze me about what he doesn't know. For a 90's kid, he hasn't heard of Dragon Ball Z, Rugrats, or pretty much anything that was on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network if I recall correctly. So anyways, he won't stop watching Vine videos, on his mac. I have to specify mac, because he only owns apple products, and he claims that is because that's all his parents would buy him, but I have to call bullshit, because no self respecting parent would spend hundreds of extra dollars for an apple logo. Or maybe I'm just naive about how ignorant the parenting public actually is. I mean, they clearly didn't teach him self control. He plays video games, for ten hours straight doesn't nourish his body until 12:30 IN THE MORNING every night, and even then he only eats sugars and junk food.

We've tried telling him that what he does isn't healthy, but he doesn't listen. He's also the only socially awkward person, whose social awkwardness is too much for me to handle. I usually respect people who don't know how to "deal" with other people. Because, hell, I'm one of those people. But he brings it to new levels. 

He cannot order his own food. I'm not kidding. He is literally scared to call a pizza place, or any food place that delivers because he does not know how to talk to people without swearing at them through the internet over some bullshit thing that happens in World of Tanks or Call of Duty, which by the way, are the only two games he plays. I tried World of Tanks once, I wanted to kill myself - figuratively, I just hated every minute of it. Granted this was the PC version of the game, so maybe the X-Box version is better, but honestly I doubt it, because the X-Box version is never better. Never.

Anyone who tells you other wise is a liar. A dirty no good liar you shouldn't be letting your kids hang around with. Right Harry?

So back to Much Ado. To put it bluntly, and briefly, if you're not a fan of Shakespeare, don't watch it. At all, you'll hate every minute of it. It's not for people that find him and his writing boring, it's for fans of Shakespeare by fans of Shakespeare. The script is written in Shakespearean English for Pete's sake (... I don't think I have to say anything about this "Pete" by now, he's just a mystery to me).

By the way, I've been writing this over the course of the day. I had to stop mid rant about my suite mate above, to go to my night class at 6:30, it's now 10:35. To paint a picture for you, and to try and prove to you just how much time he spends on video games (I'll admit I play video games a lot in my free time too, but I'm not obnoxious about it, I do other things, I swear, Scout's honor. Alright, I was never a Boy Scout, but you can trust me. We've made a sort of bond over the past like ten blogs haven't we? Well, you'll just have to take my word on it then) I got back from my first class at 4:45 (3:30-4:45 I do the late afternoon classes thing), and when I walked in, he was playing World of Tanks. Now I cannot tell you when exactly he started, because he was not playing it when I left at around 3:00, But I can only assume that he had been playing it for at least an hour, due to him being situated in his spot on the couch with a drink and all, and that he gets out of class at 3:15 and I walked in at around 5:00. He is still playing World of Tanks Right now, and he won't stop until 12:30 or after if he decides to keep playing after getting his nourishment.

More power to him, I would say if he were able to balance doing this with his school work, which he has proven he can not do last year when he had to drop out of a class because it was literally impossible for him to pass, let alone all the assignments he did not finish or the one's he failed to submit on time. When gaming interferes with your life, in such a way, that it makes it worse, you need help. Serious psychological help because you need to sort out your priorities.

When it's all you do, literally all you do aside from going to class, it's time to hang up your fucking boots man because there is literally no hope for you. I had already mentioned how socially awkward he was, and how normally I take pity on socially awkward people, as I'm most definitely not the most social of butterflies. But here, let me paint you a word picture.

I already mentioned that he cannot order his own food, and the only communication I've seen him do with the "outside world" is calling people "bitch" on some military game. But not only can he not order his own food over the phone, he also has trouble ordering at fast food places, he doesn't speak at all to cashiers when buying his 12:30 AM snack, even when they say something to him like "have a nice night" or whatever. I've went with him once or twice - I assume every time it's the same way. But let me tell you a story. Some fairly attractive females live in the Student Town Home area, or at least walk through it. I mean, the gym is like a two to three minute walk from my Town Home, so they have good reason to walk through the area, though most people just cut through the field and don't take the sidewalk. So anyways, he was looking outside, staring at some girl who was standing out there. She sees him looking at her and waves.

Now you would think he'd just wave back right? Wrong. He screams at the top of his lungs, jumps off the couch he was sitting on, and hides under it. I can't make this shit up people, I wish I was. I really, truly do. But alas, (poor Yorick) I am not. Kudos to the people that got that reference.

Any who, I have work to do, and a lot of it. So I'll leave you with the following video, and I will either return Tomorrow after finishing my essay that's due at Midnight, or Saturday. Also, I'm going to see Carrie tomorrow night, I can't wait.

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