Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Remember, Remember

The fifth of November.

It's November fifth, clearly, and that means a few things. I am going to watch V for Vendetta later, It's Guy Faukes Day, and I am officially 21 and a half. That last one is totally reliant on my birthday being May fifth, but it gives me more reason to enjoy the fifth of November. Also, today saw the release of Eminem's new, and apparently last album, Marshall Mathers LP 2 (I've only gotten through half of it, but I love it), as well as the release of Call of Duty: Ghosts which I couldn't possibly care less about. I seriously have no ambition to play the game, especially after watching TB's "WTF is..." on the multiplayer aspect of the game, which, let's be honest is the only reason to play a Call of Duty game (click within the parentheses for the video).

*Here's another video, where he gives some corrections on his WTF is... video : Look Mom, I'm clickable*

I have to say that I am sympathetic to the Call of Duty player. I understand you, I used to be you, I just don't know how you still exist. Call of Duty stopped being good, or rather legitimate after Modern Warfare 2, it fell into mediocrity mid Black Ops. I don't know what it is about Infinity Ward, if it's just their ego, or laziness, or whatever, but I just don't get how this can pass as a "next-gen" game. You just have to look at Battlefield 4 (to use the war game comparison- but any next gen game will do to be completely fair, hell, even most current gen games will do) to see that this isn't acceptable. It just so happens that he also did a "WTF is..." of BF4 as well (pew pew). His BF4 video is longer than both of his Ghosts' videos, but it's worth it, at least just to see the comparison between the two games.

I've decided that there is one thing I will not allow to happen in this town home. That is the playing of any game available on a next gen console, on a current gen console. 

Because, Adventure Time.

For the Jon Stewart fans... and because he looks like he's masturbating.

Because, Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd. Does there need to be another reason? Look, just accept the homoeroticism,  it isn't going anywhere.

If this happens I may be forced to take drastic measures, such as scratching CD's or taking hammers to things that hammers should not be taken to. I may not even permit Ghosts being played without serious ridicule, because if you are willing to pay sixty dollars for a game you already have, that looks worse than games that came out years ago, you deserve the ridicule.

Oh shit, Sons of Anarchy, be back in an hour or so (because let's be honest now, this is going to be a ninety minute episode). But just because I have to state it, Tonight's episode is entitled John 8:32, which for those unfamiliar with their Bible, this is the verse: "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free," it's one of the few I have memorized. Hey, I'm an atheist, you can't expect me to know the whole thing. So the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan.

I have thirty minutes to finish this post.

All I will do, for the rest of this post, is talk about Sons of Anarchy, and what an amazing episode this was. Like I assumed, this was the episode where all of the dirty deeds that have been going on, came out. A few other things came out of this episode too, from some characters who will likely only be in this episode. The bi-polar girl for example, was in my opinion the best part of the whole thing, Clay's monologue about the benevolent Pussy aside. Next weeks episode is going to be an insane fallout, and I cannot wait. This season may solidify Sons of Anarchy as a show in my top five shows of all time. here's how that list currently stands (Keep in mind, I have yet to have seen Madmen, The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Weeds, Spartacus, many other noteworthy shows, if it isn't on the list and you feel it should be, let me know in the comments and I'll tell you if I've seen it or not):

5. Archer
4. Boardwalk Empire
3. Arrested Development
2. Game of Thrones
1. Breaking Bad

Sons is currently sitting comfortably in the number 6 slot. It's just a few episodes away from taking fifth place. But come Winter Break, when I will be watching The Soprano's and The Wire, and likely, other shows as well, it may not hold. I may need to throw up a top 10 list just to keep half the shows on this list, on this list. Also, remember dicks, this is personal opinion, and I still haven't seen a lot of shows - yes, I do watch a lot of things - A LOT OF THINGS - but, they all cannot be in the top five, unless I cop out and place like six shows in a tie in each spot. That's just riddikulus.

So, this episode of Sons was the set up for the drama of the remaining four episodes of the season. It was the closing of the first story line, and the start of the second. This is how you do a proper story arc, I'm looking at you The Bridge (no, I will not let this go, they had four main story lines, in one season, four! And that's not even counting the side character stories no one gives a shit about that don't even connect to the main story). I don't think I have to explain why Sons of Anarchy is one of the greatest shows on television, and if I have to, I still won't explain it. Instead, I will say, that seasons one through five are on Netflix, and then I will tell you to figure it out for yourself.

But seriously, this was the best episode of the show, in it's six season run. The fact that there is only one season left fills me with both joy and great sadness. Nothing saddens me more, than the ending of an amazing show, especially when it's too early. The fact that Sons hasn't outstayed it's welcome and has gotten better over time leaves me with great optimism for its conclusion. If Breaking Bad can teach us anything about television, it's how to wrap up a show in a pretty little bow. The only difference here is that there's five (six if you count the "final episodes" as it's own season and not the second half of season five) seasons of Breaking Bad, and what will be seven seasons of Sons. Or to put it in episode count, Sons will end at an approximate total of 92 while Breaking Bad capped off at 62, giving Sons thirty more episodes to work with, granted it doesn't have that many loose ends to tie up.

Blog's over, finished at 11:59 boom. Still November 5. To celebrate this achievement, have a 40 minute video about Jesse Cox and his wonderfulness.

***Oh noes, the labels put me over midnight, damn you labels, you have failed me***

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